530.723.5008 Office@WindingRiverMed.com
Voted #1 on Google
Drs. Low, Dr. Taca, Anita Frykberg, LAc, Lan Wang, LAc
Acupuncture &
Chinese Medicine
***Masks Required In Office. Full details here***

At Winding River Medicine, we provide the best patient-centered healthcare through Chinese Medicine. This includes diagnostic consultation, acupuncture, dietary & lifestyle counseling and Chinese herbal medicine. All our Chinese herbal formulas are custom made by a doctor to suit the patient's needs.
We provide high quality care, taking the time to be thorough and listen to our patients. We limit ourselves to treating 1-2 patients per hour. All new patients receive an extensive, hour-long initial health history to ensure we obtain a detailed understanding of how your unique body works. The better we get to know a patient, the better we are able to treatment them. 9 out of 10 patients receive some significant benefit from our treatment. When we're not working with a patient, we are researching how to improve their treatments. This makes us better doctors every day we practice.
We want our patients to have a better quality of life and be empowered and motivated to make their own health choices. You deserve the best practitioner for you and your individual needs. Join thousands of other patients who have found the path to better health.